DEKRA Machine inspection report
Appointments for the inspection
- ACRAR assigns DEKRA to arrange an appointment with you immediately after you create a new listing
- An expert from DEKRA contacts you by phone or email within 48 hours to arrange a suitable appointment
- We use the contact information provided by you during the creation of the listing
On-site inspection
- The independent expert from DEKRA visits your site at the arranged day and time in order to complete the inspection report
- During this visit, relevant data is collected and recorded via a standardized checklist, and a number of photos of the item are taken
- The machine should be easily accessible, well illuminated and reasonably clean
- All relevant documentation for the machine should be made available
Transfer of the report into the listing
- The inspection report is transferred completely from DEKRA to ACRAR
- ACRAR then appends the item description in the listing using the information and photos provided by the expert
- After the data has been transferred in full, you are notified that your listing is ready to go to auction